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The Effects of Perceived Control and Avoidance Coping on Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Female Victims of Domestic Violence


According to the temporal model (Frazier, Berman, & Steward, 2002), the dimensions of perceived control consist of past, present, future, and vicarious control, as well as future likelihood. This study was conducted to examine the independent effects of the dimensions of perceived control and the unique effect of avoidance coping on post-traumatic stress symptoms, and to shed light on the specific mechanism through which domestic violence influences post-traumatic stress symptoms in a sample of female assault victims. The participants were 103 women in shelter and related counseling centers, who experienced domestic violence. All completed the Korean versions of the Revised Conflict Tactic Scale, the Assault Attribution Questionnaire, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and the Coping Style Scale. Simultaneous multiple regression analysis revealed that only past control independently contributed to post-traumatic stress symptoms above and beyond the other dimensions of perceived control. None of the unique effects of the other dimensions of perceived control on post-traumatic stress symptoms were significant. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that avoidance coping uniquely contributed to post-traumatic stress symptoms above and beyond all the dimensions of perceived control. Based on these results and those of previous studies, partial and full mediation models, in which past control and avoidance coping mediate the relationship between domestic violence and post-traumatic symptoms, were proposed addition to the simple effect model. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to evaluate and compare the two mediation models and the simple effect model. The results of SEM revealed that the full mediation model was superior to both the other models. In the full mediation model, the mediation effect of past control appeared to be relatively stronger than that of avoidance coping. In conclusion, the findings indicate the impotance of considering the role of avoidance coping as well as past control in order to prevent and treat the post-traumatic stress symptoms of female assault victims more effectively.

domestic violence, post-traumatic stress symptoms, dimensions of perceived control, avoidance coping, temporal model, 가정폭력, 외상후 스트레스 증상, 지각된 통제감 차원, 회피 대처, 시간적 모형., domestic violence, post-traumatic stress symptoms, dimensions of perceived control, avoidance coping, temporal model



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