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A Longitudinal and Exploratory Study about the Transition among Eating Behaviors


To explore the transition among healthy diet behavior, anorexic behavior, and bulimic behavior, a longitudinal study over a one year interval was performed using female Korean college students as subjects. Data were obtained from 133 participants who completed assessments of three types of eating behaviors, the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2), and behavioral activation system. All of the variables were measured at the start of the study (Baseline) and three types of eating behaviors (healthy diet behavior, anorexic and bulimic behavior) were measured at again one year later. The findings indicate the following: Healthy diet behavior predicted healthy diet behavior one year later. Additionally, reward responsiveness and asceticism predicted healthy diet behavior. Anorexic behavior, healthy diet behavior, reward responsiveness, fun seeking and perfectionism predicted anorexic behavior a year after. Also, bulimic behavior, anorexic behavior, fun seeking and body dissatisfaction predicted bulimic behavior longitudinally. The factors which could facilitate the transition between two eating behaviors were also investigated. The results showed that reward responsiveness predicted positively anorexic behavior one year after among participants with a high level of healthy dieting. Also, a propensity for risk-taking behavior raised the level of bulimic behavior one year after among the participants with initially high levels of anorexic behavior. Finally, the limitations of this study and the implications for future studies are discussed.

healthy diet behavior, anorexic behavior, bulimic behavior, behavioral activation system, EDI-2, 건강한 섭식행동, 억제행동, 폭식행동, 행동활성화 체계, 섭식장애척도



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