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Psychological Characteristics of Adolescents at risk for Internet Addiction and Alcohol Abuse using the MMPI-A


This study compared the psychological characteristics of adolescents with a risk of internet addiction with those at risk for alcohol abuse using the MMPI-A. A sample of 924 adolescents was administered the K-scale-a Korean self report checklist for assessing internet addiction, and the CRAFFT. Four groups were identified based on the K-scale and CRAFFT screening tool for assessing adolescent substance abuse. Four groups were identified based on the K-scale and CRAFFT scores: IA, AA, IA+AA, and non-IA/AA groups. Those groups with addiction problems(IA, AA, IA+AA) showed elevated Pd, A-anx, and A-dep scale scores, suggesting that these adolescents had antisocial tendencies, anxiety, and depression in common. The two groups with alcohol problems(AA, IA+AA) were likely to employ acting-out as their primary defense mechanism as evidenced by elevated Pd and Ma scale scores. The results of a MANOVA and post-hoc analyses revealed that IA and IA+AA groups showed significantly higher scores on the Sc, A-aln, and A-lse scales than did the other two groups. The IA group showed significantly elevated D, Si, A-las, and A-sod scale scores compared with the other groups. Those groups with alcohol problems(AA, IA+AA) showed significantly higher scores on the Ma, A-ang, A-cyn, A-con, and A-fam scales than did the other two groups without alcohol problems. The IA+AA group obtained significantly elevated F, Pa, and A-biz scale scores compared with the other groups. Supplementary scale scores (MAC-R, ACK, and PRO) were significantly higher in the groups with alcohol problems(AA, IA+AA) than in the groups without alcohol problems. The results of discriminant analyses revealed that the MAC-R, Pd, A-sod, F, Pt, and A-biz scales discriminated well among the four groups. Finally, the limitations of this study and suggestions for further study were discussed.

Internet Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Adolescents, MMPI-A, Internet Addiction, Alcohol Abuse, Adolescents, MMPI-A, 인터넷 중독, 알코올 남용, 청소년, MMPI-A



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