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Explicit and Implicit Attitudes of Sex Offenders


In this study, we measured implicit and explicit attitudes about sexual violence in sex offenders via the Implicit Association Test (IAT), in order to identify any differences between sex offenders and ordinary adults, and to reveal any relationships between offenders' implicit and explicit attitudes toward same. The sex offender group was made up of pedophile first offenders. Measurement results of implicit attitudes of sexual violence between the sex offender group and the control group suggests that sex offend IAT shows tendency and pedophile IAT has difference significantly. This suggests that, in contrast to the controls, the sex offenders had a distorted understanding of sexual violence and pedophilia. The more positively the sex offenders accepted rape, the more attempts they had made to commit sexual violence and the more past experience they had with sexual violence. From these results, we may be better able to predict a sex offenders' distorted understanding of sex by measuring implicit rather than explicit attitudes. These results also show that there is a possibility that such offenders will commit repeated sexually violent acts, because implicit attitudes are not easily changed.

sexual assault, Implicit Association Test, explicit attitudes, implicit attitudes, sex offender, 성범죄, 암묵적 연합검사(IAT), 외현적 태도, 암묵적 태도, sexual assault, Implicit Association Test, explicit attitudes, implicit attitudes, sex offender



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