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Maladaptive Schema in Female College Students with Eating Problems


In this study, we empirically investigated early maladaptive schemas in subjects with eating problems to help identify the underlying origin of such problems. First, we identified groups of subjects having anorexic tendency(AN), bulimic tendency(BN), restricting bulimic tendency(RBN) and normal group from 450 female college students. The results, derived using the Young Schema Questionnaire(YSQ), indicated that the eating disorder groups had higher scores than the normal group did and, among the eating disorder groups, the RBN group had higher scores than did the AN or BN group on YSQ scores. In detail, among the 3 eating disorder groups, there were no significant differences with regard to mistrust/abuse scores. On the other hand, the AN group showed more maladapted scores than the BN group did with regard to abandonment, subjugation, while the RBN group had the most maladapted scores of all in these areas(i.e., BN<AN<RBN). In fact there was no significant difference between the BN group and the normal group with regard to subjugation scores. This suggests such schemas are more closely associated with the AN tendency than with the BN tendency. Though scores pertaining to enmeshment, emotional inhibition and insufficient self-control were more maladapted in BN than AN and most maladapted in RBN(AN<BN<RBN), these differnces were not statistically significant. Nevertheless, this suggests the possibility that these 3 schemas may be more closely associated with the BN tendency than with the AN tendency. We concluded by not only discussing the possible causality between eating disorders and maladaptive schemas, coping style on maladaptive schemas, and limitations of this study but presenting suggestions for future studies.

섭식장애, 부적응 도식, 대처방식, eating disorder, early maladaptive schema, coping style, eating disorder, early maladaptive schema, coping style



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