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Relationship between a Childhood Emotional Abuse, Symptoms of Complex Posttraumatic Stress, and Forgiveness


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of childhood emotional abuse inflicted by mother's on complex posttraumatic stress symptoms. In addition, this study was to examine the moderating effect of forgiveness on the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress. As such, forgiveness was divided into state forgiveness and trait forgiveness. A sample of undergraduate students self-report measurements and results indicated that mother's childhood emotional abuse did indeed significantly affect the symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress. Subsequent hierarchical regression analysis revealed that effects of childhood emotional abuse on the symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress were moderated by state and trait forgiveness. The findings of this study demonstrated that people whose mothers had inflicted upon them a high level childhood emotional abuse exhibited more severe symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress. Additionally, this study suggested that even in case of severe childhood emotional abuse, the symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress were relieved via state and trait forgiveness. The implications and limitations of this study have been discussed along with suggestions for further studies.

정서적 학대, 복합 외상후 스트레스 증상, 상황용서, 특질용서, 조절효과, childhood emotional abuse, symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress, state forgiveness, trait forgiveness, moderating effect, childhood emotional abuse, symptoms of complex posttraumatic stress, state forgiveness, trait forgiveness, moderating effect



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