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Validation of the Korean Version of the Savoring Belief Inventory(SBI)


The present study investigated the psychometric properties of a scale by adapting Bryant's (2003) Savoring Belief Inventory(SBI). Seoul college students were used to verify the reliability and validity of a scale. Three factors including Anticipating, Savoring the Moment and Reminiscing appeared in the exploratory factor analysis which corresponded to Bryant's results (2003). As a result of a confirmatory factor analysis, it appeared that the five-factor model consisting of Anticipating, Savoring the Moment, and Reminiscing, as well as positively and negatively-anchored method factors were more suitable than the other competing models. Therefore, this five-factor structure was selected as the final measurement model on the basis of its explanatory power (i.e., it had the best overall goodness-of-fit) and on the basis of an a priori theory (i.e., it paralleled the putative structure around which the SBI items were originally created). The total factors and subscales all demonstrated proper internal consistency with respect to the Korean version of the SBI, and as a result of an examination of its relationship with variables related to criteria, it was positively correlated with life satisfaction and positive emotion and negatively correlated with negative emotion. Also, it was correlated with individual-difference variables such as extroversion or optimism; however, it was, not correlated with socially desirable responses. These results suggest that the Korean version of the SBI has both valid and reliable psychometric properties.

한국판 향유신념 척도, 향유하기, 탐색적 요인분석, 확인적 요인분석, savoring, Korean version of the Savoring Belief Inventory, subjective well-being, factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, savoring, Korean version of the Savoring Belief Inventory, subjective well-being, factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis



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