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Effects of Rumination, Distraction, and Positive Reappraisal on Angry Mood and Blood Pressure


People use a variety of strategies to regulate their negative moods. Some strategies are more effective than others at reducing these moods. In this study, we investigated the effect of rumination, distraction, and positive reappraisal strategies on angry mood and blood pressure. A total of 44 college students participated, and were randomly assigned to a rumination group(N=14; 8 males, 6 females), a distraction group(N=15; 8 males, 7 females), or a positive reappraisal group(N=15; 8 males, 6 females). Participants received a penalty if they caused anger in the social interaction situation. Participants were instructed to cause anger, ruminate, practice distraction, and perform positive reappraisal strategies. Researchers measure participants mood and blood pressure before and after the feeling of anger and after the emotion regulation. In this way, we investigated effective emotion regulation strategies with respect to anger. Results indicate that rumination, distraction, and positive reappraisal strategies were able to decrease angry mood and increased positive mood. Also, all strategies decreased minimum blood pressure.

anger, blood pressure, emotion regulation, rumination, distraction, positive reappraisal, 분노, 혈압, 정서조절, 반추, 주의분산, 긍정적 재평가



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