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Effects of Depression, Emotion Regulation, and Mindfulness on Binge Eating Behavior


The present study examined the effects of depression, emotion regulation, and mindfulness on binge eating behavior all of which was based on a theoretical model which emphasized the effect of negative emotions on binge eating behavior. Participants included 368 male and female in undergraduate students. They completed a self-report questionnaires assessing the level of depression, emotion regulation, mindfulness, binge eating behavior. The result, depression was related to binge eating behavior, and that adaptive and maladaptive strategies were included subscales of emotion regulation which also had significant correlations with binge eating behavior. Subscales of mindfulness as acting with awareness, nonjudging of experience, and observing were negatively associated with binge eating behavior. Furthermore, a comparison of the binge eating behavior group and the non binge eating behavior group showed differences in the level of depression, emotion regulation, acting with awareness, nonjudging of experience. Especially, interaction of three variables(i.e., depression, emotion regulation, and mindfulness) had a significant effect on binge eating behavior in a hierarchical multi-variate regression analysis. Likewise, a analysis Structural Equation Modeling, the moderating effect of mindfulness was found to be significant. It indicates to verify that, mindfulness moderates the effects of depression and emotion regulation on binge eating behavior. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

폭식행동, 우울, 정서조절, 마음챙김, 중재효과, binge eating behavior, depression, emotion regulation, mindfulness, moderating effect



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