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Influence of Forgiveness Beliefs on Forgiveness, Negative Affects, and Subjective Well-Being


The main aims of this study was to propose the concept of forgiveness beliefs as meta-cognition beliefs that effect forgiveness decisions, and to develop the Forgiveness Beliefs Scale (FBS), which has been assumed to assess the meta-cognition of forgiveness and finally, to measure new aspects of forgiveness that had not been assessed by preexisting forgiveness scales. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the data collected from 454 high school students. Results suggested that the FBS consisted of three factors, i.e. Self Damage, Negative Effects, and Positive Effects. Reliability and other validity analyses of the FBS were conducted to validate the scale. Further, the relationships among the forgiveness beliefs, forgiveness, negative affects, and subjective well-being were explored. Results demonstrated that the FBS had good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Results of a correlation analyses revealed that higher levels of forgiveness beliefs related to more forgiveness, less negative affects, and a higher subjective well-being. Overall, the results suggested that the FBS has both valid and reliable psychometric properties. The implications and limitations of these results were also discussed.

용서신념, 용서, 주관적 안녕감, 부정적 정서, forgiveness beliefs, forgiveness, subjective well-being, negative affects



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