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Therapeutic Effect of Expressive Writing on Specific Phobias: A Study of Korean and American University Students


The aim of the present study was to explore the therapeutic effect of expressive writing on specific phobias and the psycho-social mechanisms underlying the relationship between the two. While a number of studies involving expressive writing have demonstrated their efficacy with respect to their health and psychological benefits, few have explored the relationship between expressive writing and anxiety disorders, and the psychological mechanisms underlying it. Therefore, we examined the influence of expressive writing on specific phobias. Sixty-three Korean and American participants were put into either the expressive writing group or the control group. Changes of phobic symptoms were measured at five different time points. The results showed that the writing group reported significantly reduced phobic symptoms as compared to the control group at follow-up, but not immediately after treatment. It was also found that higher scores related to positive reinterpretation coping were significantly related to lager reduction in phobic symptoms. These results suggested that intervention using expressive writing has therapeutic value with respect to phobic symptoms at follow-up rather than right after treatments and that the positive reinterpretation coping has an facilitative effect on their relationship. Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for the further research.

expressive writing, specific phobia, positive reinterpretation coping, 표현적 글쓰기, 특정 공포증, 긍정적 재해석 대처



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