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Influence of Self-Control and Affect on Binge Eating Behavior


Self-control or self-regulation is the ability to suppress or change one's inner responses, as well as to interrupt undesired behavioral tendencies. In preliminary study, the Self-Control Scale (SCS) was translated and validated. Reliability and validity analyses were conducted. The purpose of study was to explore how self-control and affect are related with binge eating behavior. The analyses were conducted from 167 female undergraduate students. The results of the analyses showed self-control was an important concept in predicting binge eating. The analyses also revealed that self-control interacted with negative affect. The results of this study indicate that people with high self-control are unlikely to binge. Specifically, self-control increases the capacity to pursue long-term goals continuously, when experiencing negative affect. This has a therapeutic implication such that binge eating behavior can be reduced by enhancing self-control ability. Lastly, some implications and limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research are discussed.

self-control, self-regulation, binge eating, bulimic behavior, negative affect, dieting, 자기조절, 조절 실패, 폭식, 부정정서, 섭식절제



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