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Preliminary Validation of Korean-Responses to Positive Affect (K-RPA)


A number of studies have documented that responses to negative moods can have an impact on development and maintenance of mood disorders. Notably, Nolen-Hoeksema's Response Styles Theory (1991) which proposes that rumination in response to dysphoric moods is linked to the onset and duration of depression has received extensive attention. However, responses to positive affect have been less investigated, even though they might be equally important in research on mood disorders. The main purpose of the current study is to validate the Responses to Positive Affect (RPA; Feldman, Joorman, & Johnson, 2008), which is a recently developed self-report measure of ruminative and dampening responses to positive affect. In an undergraduate sample (N=191), the Korean-Responses to Positive Affect (K-RPA) evidenced acceptable internal consistency and two factors (positive rumination, dampening) emerged in exploratory factor analysis. In addition, the K-RPA showed convergent and incremental validity with concurrent measures of self-esteem, depressive and manic symptoms. In particular, both subfactors of the K-RPA predicted a significantly additional variance in depressive and manic symptoms, even after controlling for the influence of brooding. The current study provides the initial psychometric properties of the K-RPA and preliminary evidence indicating that responses to positive affect can be a concept of importance in future researches of mania as well as depression. Finally, limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research are discussed.

한국판 긍정 정서 반응 척도(K-RPA), 정서조절, 우울, 조증, 신뢰도, 타당도, 요인구조, Korean-Responses to Positive Affect(K-RPA), Emotional Regulation, Depression, Mania, Reliability, Validity, Factor Structure



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