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Resilience and Suicidal Behavior in Adults with Traumatic Life Events: Is Resilience a Protective Factor for Suicidal Behavior?


The primary goal of the study was to examine the question of whether the resilience would reduce the risk for suicidal behavior among adults with history of traumatic life events. Out of 1550 participants who completed a web-based survey, the study included 629 adults ages 18 to 60 who reported having experienced at least one traumatic life event. All participants completed the Korean version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (K-CD-RISC), Posttraumatic stress Diagnosis Scale (PDS-K), and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), with responses to questions about lifetime history of suicidal ideation and attempt. Results of multinominal logistic regression analysis showed that after controlling for sociodemographic factors, frequency of traumatic life events, PTSD and depressive symptoms, the total score on the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (K-CD-RISC) was negatively associated with lifetime history of suicide attempt but not with lifetime history of suicide ideation. Among four subfactors of the K-CD-RISC, positive acceptance of change and secure relationships (factor 3) was the only subfactor predicting both suicidal ideation and attempt after adjusting for risk factors. Resilience measured by the total score on the K-CD-RISC showed the moderating effect in the relationship between PTSD symptoms and suicidal ideation. However, the buffering effect of resilience did not exist when PTSD symptom level was high. Specifically, individuals with low resilience were more likely to report suicidal ideation regardless of the level of PTSD symptoms while those with high resilience were less likely to report suicidal ideation only when PTSD symptom level was low.

탄력성, 외상사건, 자살생각, 자살시도, 보호요인, resilience, traumatic life events, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, protective factor



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