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The Effect of Cognitive Processing Style and Eye Movements on Intrusion of Similar Trauma Scene


This study was conducted in order to examine the effects of cognitive processing style and eye movements on an intrusion of similar trauma scenes. To do this, cognitive processing style was manipulated with data-driven processing and conceptual processing, and eye movements were manipulated with horizontal and vertical eye movements. Participants were college students without trauma experiences. In experiment 1, difference of intrusion was examined in each group after showing trauma film. According to results, more intrusions occurred in the vertical eye movement group than in the horizontal eye movement group. No difference was observed between cognitive processing style groups. However, it was not clear whether this result was caused by the cognitive processing style or by eye movements. In addition, it suggested the need to examine, how aspects of intrusion would be shown in the horizontal eye movements with passage of time. Accordingly, in experiment 2, the question of how cognitive processing and passage of time would have an effect on aspects of intrusion in the horizontal group was examined. According to the results, more intrusions for 1~3 days after the experiment occurred in the data-driven processing group, however, more intrusions for 4~6 days occurred in the conceptual processing group. These results suggest that although data-driven processing occurs when suffering from trauma, horizontal eye movements can serve as a reduction of intrusion. Finally, limitations of this study and suggestions for future study were discussed.

PTSD, 자료 주도적 처리, 개념적 처리, 안구운동, EMDR, 침습, PTSD, data-driven processing, conceptual processing, eye movements, EMDR, intrusion



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