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The influence of horizontal eye movements on anxiety and performance of working memory task


The purpose of this study was to examine how horizontal eye movements, a component of the EMDR(eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), influence the level of state anxiety and performance on working memory task. Among college students with higher average score on Test Anxiety Inventory-Korea, 41 subjects were randomly assigned to the horizontal eye movement (n=19) and the eye fixed group (n=21). As a way to trigger state anxiety, the participants were subjected to a mathematical examination prior to the assignment. State anxiety was measured on both pre- and post-treatment. Finally, participants performed a 3-back task. According to the results, the horizontal eye movement group showed a more significant decrease in state anxiety than the eye fixed group, suggesting that horizontal eye movement could be helpful in reducing the level of anxiety. However, no significant difference in the accuracy rate of 3-back task performance was observed between the two groups. Limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research were discussed.

EMDR, horisontal eye movement, Working memory, Anxiety, EMDR, 양측성 안구운동, 작업기억, 불안



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