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The Mediating of Post-Event Rumination in the Relationship between Unconditional Self-Acceptance and Adolescent's Social Anxiety


he purpose of this study was to examine post-event rumination, unconditional self-acceptance and social anxiety and to determine the role of post-event rumination in the relationship between social anxiety and unconditional self-acceptance. The subjects were 510 boys and girls studying in a middle school in Seoul, and surveys were implemented using the Korean version of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (K-SAS-A), the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C), the Post-Event Rumination Questionnaire (PRQ), and the Unconditional Self-Acceptance Questionnaire. Examination of the research results shows a positive correlation between post-event rumination and social anxiety and a negative correlation between post-event rumination and unconditional self-acceptance as well as social anxiety and unconditional self-acceptance. In addition, multiple regression analysis was performed to verify the mediating effect of post-event rumination in the relationship between unconditional self-acceptance and social anxiety. Results showed that post-event rumination does have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between unconditional self-acceptance and social anxiety. Examination of the influence of unconditional self-acceptance and post-event rumination on social anxiety in a little more detail verified that interpersonal anxiety and performance anxiety, both sub-factors of social anxiety, each had a mediating effect. Results showed that post-event rumination had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between unconditional self-acceptance and interpersonal anxiety, and suggested that people more prone to post-event rumination had lower unconditional self-acceptance and higher interpersonal anxiety. It was also demonstrated that post-event rumination had a complete mediating effect on the relationship between unconditional self-acceptance and performance anxiety. Examination of these results suggests that a treatment and counseling strategy to increase unconditional self-acceptance should help decrease interpersonal anxiety and that a traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy reducing post-event rumination should be more effective for performance anxiety than a method treating unconditional self-acceptance.

post-event rumination, unconditional self-acceptance, society anxiety, 무조건적 자기수용, 사후반추사고, 사회불안



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