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A Cluster Analysis of K-CBCL for Outpatient Children


The purpose of the current study was to verify discrimination of the K-CBCL 11 Behavior Problem Scale, the diagnostic accuracy of the K-CBCL as a screening tools, and criteria of subtype of various diagnostic cases. The subjects were 358_(271 boys, 87 girls) 4 to 11 year old children who visited the child psychiatry clinic of four university medical centers, two psychiatric hospitals, 358 parents participated in evaluation of those children with the K-CBCL, and the K-CBCL profile was statistically analyzed with cluster analysis. Significant differences in the K-CBCL 11 Behavior Problem Scale were found in the DSM-Ⅳ diagnosed group, subscales of the K-CBCL 11 Behavior Problem Scale were closely associated with the different DSM-Ⅳ diagnosed group. In the results of cluster analysis by the K-CBCL 8 Behavior Problem Scale, the DSM-Ⅳ diagnosed group was classified according to four subtypes. The four subtypes were shown to have differentially DSM-Ⅳ diagnosed group distribution. Anxiety disorder group_(43.9%) was included in the Internalizing Disorder group_(cluster 2), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder group_(37.0%) was included Externalizing Disorder cluster_(cluster 3). The results showed that it could discriminate the DSM-Ⅳ diagnostic group according to the two classification axes of K-CBCL, Internalizing/Externalizing scales. In the result of discriminant analysis, the K-CBCL 8 Behavior Problem Scale was identified to significant variables in four subtypes, Hit Ratio was identified in 96.1%. These Findings suggest that the K-CBCL is generally accepted as an objective tool for screening in symptoms of psychopathology. Finally, clinical implications and limitations of the current study were discussed.

K-CBCL 문제행동 증후군 척도, DSM-Ⅳ 진단, 군집분석, K-CBCL, Behavior Problem Scale, DSM-Ⅳ diagnosed group, Cluster Analysis



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