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Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Psychotherapy in Korea


The aim of study was to evaluate the quality of randomized controlled trials (RCT) of psychotherapy published between 1961 and 2014 in Korea using the Randomized Controlled Trial-Psychotherapy Quality Rating Scale (RCT-PQRS). On-line searches were performed using the key words, “psychotherapy” or “psychological training” through the RISS and KISS. A total of 75 RCTs of psychotherapy were selected as finals, and independently rated by three researchers. Results showed that 65% of the selected 75 studies were published in the Korean Journals of Psychology such as the Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology. Only nine of the 75 studies were rated 24 or above (the cut-off for a “reasonably well done” study), and eight of the nine studies were published in the Korean Journals of Psychology. Overall, the results showed that the quality of RCTs was rated lower than those reported in previous RCT-PQRS studies targeting RCTs conducted in North America and Europe. Finally, the quality of RCTs was similar between studies using active and inactive controls. Even though RCTs reported in the Korean Journals of Psychology appear to be more rigorous than those reported in other Korean Journals, education within psychology is urgent for improving the quality of the psychotherapy RCT methodology and execution in Korea. Future directions, implications and limitations were discussed.

심리치료, 심리훈련, 무선통제연구, 무선통제연구, RCT-PQRS, 근거기반실천, Psychotherapy, Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT-PQRS, Evidence-based practice



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