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The Effect of Self-compassion on Self-regulation during Negative Events: In Comparison with Self-esteem


The purpose of this study was to examine the role of self-compassion during adaptive self-regulation for negative events. It has been suggested that self-compassion acts as a buffer for negative events. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between self-compassion and the contingencies of self-worth, stability of self-esteem, and cognitive and emotional responses to negative events. Study 1 was designed to explore the relationships among self-compassion, self-esteem, the contingencies of self-worth, and the stability of self-esteem. Data were collected from 289 undergraduate students. The results showed that a higher self-compassion score was related to a lower contingency of self-worth scores and higher scores for stability of self-esteem. In addition, this effect was greater than in those with self-esteem. In Study 2, perceived failure was induced by an impossible task and changes in emotions, self-related cognition, and the heart rate before and after the impossible tasks were measured. The results showed that higher self-compassion was related to lower degrees of negative emotional changes. The degree of changes in self-related cognition was not associated with self-compassion. In addition, greater self-esteem was related to greater changes in negative emotions and self-related cognition. Last, the contribution of this study to an integrative understanding of the process of self-compassion as it affects mental health was discussed. Limitations and suggestions for future research were also presented.

self-compassion, self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, contingencies of self-worth, IAT, 자기자비, 자존감, 자존감 안정성, 결과유관성, IAT



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