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Development and Validation of Multi-Dimensional Personality Inventory in Preliminary Study: Integrating Bright and Dark Sides of Personality


The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a multidimensional personality inventory (Big 10 Inventory, BTI) to assess general and maladaptive personality dimensions. For the pilot study, an extensive literature review and experts’ workshop led to initial personality constructs and 234 preliminary items. A survey was conducted to 1,200 adults to examine item characteristics and factor structures. In the main study, 180 items were administered to 600 adults along with other personality measures. The results indicated that 165 items (80 and 85 items for measuring 5 dimensions of general personality and maladaptive personality, respectively) were best performed and thus chosen as the final items. The BTI showed adequate internal and test-retest reliability. Model fit indices from confirmatory factor analysis were satisfactory. Convergent and divergent validity were supported with significant correlation patterns of the BTI factors with the corresponding factors of the Korean Big Five Inventory-15 and Personality Inventory for DSM-5. Finally, the implications, limitations, and suggestions for further research of the BTI were discussed.

일반 성격특성, 부적응 위험특성, 성격검사, 타당화, Big 10 다차원 성격검사, general personality trait, maladaptive personality trait, personality inventory, validation, Big 10 Inventory



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