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Reliability and Validity of the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS) in Korean Adult Participants


Suicidal ideation has been identified as one of the major predictors of suicidal behavior. The Korean version of the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (K-BSS) was developed to screen and evaluate the severity of suicidal ideation. The present study was conducted to examine the psychometric properties of the BSS in a sample of 539 community-dwelling general adults (71.4% female) from 16 regions across South Korea. We examined the internal consistency and concurrent validity of the K-BSS, and conducted a series of analyses to evaluate its structural validity. In order to identify the number of factors to retain, Kaiser’s criterion, Cattell’s scree test, and parallel analysis based on Minimum Rank Factor Analysis (PA-MRFA) were applied. Ex ploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) was also conducted to determine the internal structure of the K-BSS for Ko rean adults. The K-BSS appeared to have strong internal consistency. The concurrent validity based on the correlations with other indicators of suicidal potential–BDI-II, BAI, and BHS– revealed substantial relationships. ESEM analysis of the one and two-factor solutions demonstrated that the two-factor structure might be the best-fit model for our sample. Based on the loaded items of each factors, the two factors indicate (1) motivation and (2) preparation, respectively. These findings suggest that the K-BSS might be a reliable instrument for assessing and understanding suicidal ideation in the Korean general population. Future studies in a clinical population and adolescents are necessary to generalize these findings.

Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation, BSS, suicidal ideation, reliability, validity, 벡자살사고척도, BSS, 자살사고, 신뢰도, 타당도



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