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The Prevalence and Maladjustments According to Persistence & Decline of Childhood ADHD and Late-onset of Adulthood ADHD in College Students: Executive Functioning Deficits, Psychopathology and Interpersonal Problems


The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in executive function deficits, psychopathology and interpersonal problems between four groups (persistence, decline, late-onset, & normal group) by changes in childhood ADHD symptoms and adult ADHD symptoms in college students. For this purpose, 1,082 college students (445 males, 637 females) completed self-report measures of the Childhood ADHD Symptom Scale, Current ADHD Symptom Scale (K-AADHDS), K-BDEFS, SCL-90-R, and KIIP-SC. The prevalence of childhood ADHD in the college students was found to be 7.3% and that of ADHD in adulthood was 6.2%, according to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Verification of the differences between groups indicated that the persistence group of childhood ADHD showed the highest score of the executive function deficits that the score of the late-onset adulthood ADHD group were significantly higher than those of the decline and normal groups. Also, the interpersonal problem and psychopathology scores of the persistence and late-onset groups were significantly higher than those of the decline and normal groups.

대학생, 아동기 ADHD 증상지속, 실행기능 결함, 늦은 발현 ADHD, 유병률, college students, childhood ADHD symptom persistence, executive function deficits, late-onset ADHD, prevalence



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