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The Effects of Internalized Shame on Taijin-Kyofu-Sho and Social Anxiety: The Differential Mediating Process of Anger-In and Projection


This study examined the relationships among psychosocial variables related to social anxiety with concerns for offending others (Taijin Kyofusho Scale; TKS) compared to social anxiety disorder (SAD). For this purpose, 354 undergraduate students were asked to complete self-reporting questionnaires. The results were as follows. First, internalized shame, anger-in, projection, TKS, and SAD were significantly positively correlated. Second, while the relationship between internalized shame and TKS was sequentially mediated by anger-in and projection, the relationship between internalized shame and SAD was not. Interestingly, for the simple mediation effect in the relationship between internalized shame and TKS, projection showed a partial mediation effect, but anger-in had none. In the relationship between internalized shame and SAD, anger-in showed a partial mediation effect, but projection had none. Finally, future research directions, clinical implications, and the limitations of this study are discussed.

가해염려 사회불안, 사회불안, 내면화된 수치심, 분노억제, 투사, Taijin Kyofusho, social anxiety, internalized shame, anger-in, projection



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