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Psychological Impact of COVID-19 in South Korea: A Preliminary Study


To investigate the impact on mental health of the prolonged COVID-19 outbreak, the current study investigated peritraumatic distress, preventive behaviors, and psychological distress (depression, anxiety symptoms, and suicidal risk) among 1,000 Koreans in May 2020 in comparison with the levels of psychological distress reported among 257 Koreans during the periods before COVID-19 in South Korea and with those reported in other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results indicated that 27.3%, 34.2%, and 28.8% of the participants reported at least mild peritraumatic distress and depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively. Of the participants, 23.6% were classified in the suicidal risk-positive group. Female participants and those in their 20s showed greater psychological distress than males or other age groups, respectively. Additionally, compared to the results reported from other countries, our results showed overall consistency in levels of psychological distress but relatively low anxiety symptoms and high depressive symptoms. Finally, our analysis indicates that psychological distress was exacerbated by job loss or decline in household incomes due to COVID-19.

COVID-19, 대유행, 외상성 고통, 우울, 불안, COVID-19, pandemic, peritraumatic distress, depression, anxiety



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